Monday, November 5, 2007

My sister caught a cold

My sister Amy, who quit smoking before me using nothing but the patch (that bitch), caught a cold. And she didn't develop pneumonia or anything.

She says that she thinks this cold is actually less bothersome than the colds she got when she smoked.

I know that every time I caught a cold, it turned into bronchitis or pneumonia, or, hey, almost a year ago, I caught a little cold and developed total laryngitis. Seriously. Couldn't make any sound at all.

That makes it really hard to podcast, y'know.

The coughing -- well, I'm trying to figure out if I cough less now. I smoked menthols for 22 years. I kinda doubt my lungs have totally recovered. But I don't *feel* as if I'm coughing as much.

Amy says I need to go catch a cold and compare notes with her. I think I'm going to think about that before rushing headlong into a free clinic to lick the walls or anything just to give Amy comparative notes.

I'm just sayin'. Is all.

I continue to keep my hands busy with paper, as evidenced with the little book above. I actually made that book and 17 scrapbook pages in the last couple of weeks. I am slowing down on my frantic pace, though. When I think about it, yeah, I still marvel at the way non-smokers sit there without anything to do with their hands. On the other hand, it's kind of relaxing not to constantly be waving the smoke out of my face.

That's Sunday. I thought about posting about dinner -- steaks on the grill, marinated asparagus, roast rosemary potatoes -- but then I thought, "Nah, too much info."

So instead, I'll just complain about my lack of a cold. Amy gets all the fun stuff. Hmph!


Anonymous said...

Ew, cold and flu season. I used to hate that I would be so sick but still smoked anyway. I hope I don't catch anything yucky, but if I do, at least I won't be feeling even worse smoking. If you smoked menthols, I bet you can relate to the idea that while smoking it seemed to actually soothe my throat, even if I wanted to die 10 minutes after when the coughing started.

Ooh, dinner sounded good at your place!

Tasina said...

Please don't lick walls. That's just so unseemly.

As for keeping your hands busy - Silly Putty. Works wonders.

Amy said...

Anxious as I am for you to get a cold like me and find out that it's not as bad as a smoker's cold, I'm with Tasina. Don't lick the walls. Saliva can discolor some of the more delicate paints and can cause wallpaper to come loose.

Tasina is right about the Silly Putty, too! I bought some "Smart Mass," a Silly Putty type product, from I can't stop playing with it in the evenings while I watch TV! I recommend it highly.